Your Voter Information

Use this Voter Information Lookup Tool to:

  • Verify your voter registration 
  • Locate your precinct polling place or closest vote center on Election Day
  • Learn your closest Early Voting locations
  • Check the status of your Vote By Mail application or Permanent Roster status
  • Obtain a sample ballot (now available!)
  • Find contact information for your public officials

Please enter your first and last name (no middle name) and address (Street Direction and Street Name) to proceed. Please do not leave any spaces before or after numerical value in the online form.

Voter Information Lookup

  • Verify your voter registration
  • Locate your precinct polling place for Election Day
  • View your sample ballot (now available!)
  • Check the status of your Vote By Mail request

Please enter your first and last name (no middle name) and address (Street Direction and Street Name) to proceed. Please do not leave any spaces before or after numerical value in the online form.

Click here to search by address only.