Election-Related Links

Cook County Clerk's Office
Voter registration and polling places for the suburban townships of Cook County


Illinois State Board of Elections (ISBE)
Statewide election results and campaign finance records


Illinois Voter Guide
The Illinois Voter Guide is a nonpartisan online voter resource powered by the League of Women Voters of Illinois


Nonpartisan system for voters to review candidates and issues


United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC)
Federal agency that certifies voting equipment and clearinghouse for information on election administration


Verified Voting
The Verified Voting Foundation is a non-governmental, nonpartisan organization that evaluates voting equipment and systems. Founded in 2003 by David L. Dill, a computer scientist from Stanford University, designed to preserve the democratic process with modern voting advancements.


United States Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Regulatory agency that governs the financing of federal elections


United States Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP)
Federal agency that facilitates military/overseas voting under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA)


Project Vote Smart
Database on candidates and elected officials that examines biographies, issues, voting records, campaign finances and interest-group ratings.


Managing Election and Political Stress

DePaul University's practical tips for a healthier mindset from the Master's in Public Administration Program


Nonpartisan aggregator and creator of news content related to election administration


CanIVote.org | USA.gov | TurboVote
Sites geared to provide all American voters with information on voter registration, early voting, mail voting and election-day polling places