Early Voting for the March 19, 2024 Presidential Primary Election is now open in Downtown Chicago at the Chicago Board of Elections Supersite (191 N. Clark) and the Chicago Board of Elections Office (69 W. Washington, 6th Floor).
From February 15 through March 10, these two sites will be open Weekdays from 9:00am to 6:00pm; Saturdays from 9:00am to 5:00pm; and Sundays from 10:00am to 4:00pm. From March 11 through March 18, these two sites will be open for an extra hour on Weekdays from 9:00am to 7:00pm, with the same hours for weekends. The Supersite will be open on Election Day (March 19) from 6:00am to 7:00pm.
Early Voting in all 50 Wards in Chicago will begin on Monday, March 4 at 9:00am and runs through Election Day (March 19). All 50 Ward Early Voting sites will also be open as vote centers on Election Day from 6:00am to 7:00pm. You can see all Early Voting locations and addresses by clicking here.
“Any voter in Chicago can now come downtown to vote early, if they want to get a head start on their civic duty. Don’t wait until the last second on March 19th – research your choices on the ballot and make a plan to vote,” said Marisel Hernandez, Chairwoman, Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.
Voters can still apply to Vote By Mail for the upcoming election, as well as apply online to join the Permanent Vote By Mail Roster and receive their ballot ahead of their preferred elections. Vote By Mail applications will remain open until March 14th at 5:00pm.
For the upcoming Presidential Primary Election, voters must request a specific party ballot either in-person, early, or when requesting a Vote By Mail ballot. When the time comes to select a ballot, a voter may choose any Political Party they wish (but may choose only one party ballot). The Political Party ballots available in Chicago for the March 19, 2024 Primary Election are: Democratic, Libertarian (Wards 1, 5, 36, and 38 only), Republican, and Non-Partisan (includes only referenda questions).
The Board is seeking poll workers for Election Day on March 19 – Election Judges make up to $230 for the day, and interested voters can apply at http://pollworker.chicagoelections.gov