4th Ward Alderman Election Overview
On Tues., Feb. 28, voters in Chicago’s 4th Ward will go to the polls to elect the Alderman. Five candidates are on the ballot. If one of the candidates receives more than half the votes, that candidate will be elected. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes, the two candidates with top vote totals will compete in an April 4 run-off election.
The office of 4th Ward Alderman will be the only item on the ballot. Voting will be open only to those eligible to cast ballots in the 4th Ward.
The ward’s 38 precinct polling places will be open Feb. 28 from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Voters may find their polling place at chicagoelections.com/info
“On Election Day, we will have roving investigators and technicians to respond to any complaints and equipment issues to ensure a secure and smooth election,” said Election Board Chairwoman Marisel A. Hernandez.
Voters who witness anything irregular or encounter problems are urged to call the Board’s “Election Central” hotline at (312) 269-7870, Hernandez said. These phone lines will be operational only on Election Day and will be staffed by Board personnel and attorneys versed in election law.
On Election Day, voters may cast ballots only at the polling place assigned to their home precinct. Those who used Vote By Mail or Early Voting cannot return to change their votes. Lists of voters who have already cast ballots will be uploaded to the Electronic Poll Books that are used to check in voters.
For information on or before Election Day, voters may visit the Election Board’s web site at chicagoelections.com or call (312) 269-7900.
Voters who have moved or need to register for the first time should find their correct precinct and polling place at chicagoelections.com/info. Once at the correct precinct and polling place, a voter may use Election Day Registration by presenting two forms of ID, at least one of which shows the voter’s current address.
Any voter who must cast a provisional ballot has one week to submit documents to support that voter’s right to vote; however, by law, the Election Board cannot count any provisional ballot that is cast in the wrong precinct.
“We will have electronic poll books in each precinct to help process existing and new voters, as well as to provide instructions to anyone who might arrive in the wrong precinct,” Hernandez said.
The Municipal Election in the 4th Ward is required because former Alderman Will Burns resigned from the post approximately one year into the 2015-2019 term. The election will determine who serves the remaining two years of that term.
The candidates on the ballot are:
No one filed to be a write-in candidate by the deadline set by state law.
The 4th Ward has 36,588 registered voters. Through noon on Monday, 221 voters had cast ballots by mail and 1,600 had cast ballots during in-person Early Voting.